This space has been long overdue for a big girl makeover! When I first designed this space I kept it super neutral because we didn’t know what the sex of our baby girl was at the time. Since then it’s pretty much stayed that way until now!
It was definitely time for her to get out of her toddler bed and she had one simple request and that was that her bed have a slide. My first mommy reaction was hell to the no but then I stopped and realized that you’re only a kid once so why not, right? A few simple changes like new curtains, a mirror, rug and chair and before I knew it her room was all ready!
Here’s a quick look back at the stages her room has already seen –
First, the room we brought her home to…

Her toddler room –

And now her big girl room!

Love this space for her now and she definitely loves it more!

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