I’ve always been a sucker for photo gallery walls. When I lived in my last apartment I had a pretty large gallery wall above my sofa but when I moved I didn’t have any space so as a gift to my mom I printed photos of the family and we put them up in my parent’s house. Now that my entry way was all painted I had the perfect space for some frames. I also purchased a mirror from Target that I had been eying for months. It was black and I’m in my “I’m over black” phase, so I took out my handy spray paint and shot some white onto it to brighten it up. When I was done, I used it to help me figure out how I wanted the frames to be placed around it.
I decided to go with the scattered look. I also have some other black frames that I plan on spray painting to fill in those empty spots. I love the idea of constantly adding to the space.
I had a hard time deciding what to put in the frames so I went to my photography board on Pinterest and actually had some prints that I found on there framed. I also had some personal pictures but the one I loved the most was my house number print. I have been seeing a lot of these online and also on etsy and I knew that I could figure out how to make one myself so being the DIYer that I am, I did. Here are some that I have seen online.
I started out by finding an image of a skeleton key online.
I had also googled a pattern for my background but the problem I came across was that the image of the key had a white background. So I went on a search for how to make an image transparent and found out how to do it here on photoshop. Once that was done I just used the paint bucket tool on photoshop to fill in the key and make it white. Then I opened up Print Shop which is the best program! If you don’t have it look into it. I added my background to an 8×11 wide sheet, added a text box for my number and dragged the key into it. When it was all done I sent it to CVS to print and framed it! I’m sure you can do the same on photoshop but I know my way around print shop way more than I know photoshop!
I also used command strips to hold up the frames so that I wouldn’t have to add holes to the walls but one of the frames fell yesterday. I’m hoping it was just a fluke but since I know how I want them up, adding small nails won’t be a huge problem.
Here’s a link to a blank version if you wanted to make your own! Just click on the image and save. Enjoy!