My goal this holiday season was to really try my best to make some homemade gifts. So far I’m doing pretty well with my wreath, some burlap covered candles, some personalized coasters and this past weekend I gave a try at some jewelry. You may have noticed how wrap bracelets are everywhere lately. Chan Luu bracelets are extremely popular these days. They come in singles and also in wraps.
I love love the look of these bracelets. What I don’t love is the price tag. The single bracelet alone costs $95. The wrap, $170. Nothing cute about that! So, naturally my DIY self looked to find how I could make these bracelets. I found tons of videos on how to make these beauties and just headed to my local craft store to get my materials. Here’s what mine looked like when I was finished.
I did the top bracelet by simply following this tutorial. For the bottom two, I used this video. They seriously are incredibly easy to make. You can refer to the video on how to get started with your thread but it’s important that you have some type of clip board and binder clips to hold everything into place. Your thread should be strong but also thin enough to fit through the beads after being doubled. Once you start beading it’s a pretty simple pattern that you will follow.
1. Just add your bead and let it drop.
2.Bring your needle up under the right cord through the center and pull the thread through.
3. Run the needle through the bead from right to left. Bring the thread all the way through.
4. Bring your needle up under the left side of the cord through the middle. Pull the thread all the way through.
You will just continue to do this for every bead. When you get to the end then you may use a button or washer to close it. You can refer to the video for more instruction on that. The one downfall is that to make a wrap rather than a single would require you to have at least 2 yards of thread. Working with 2 yards of thread can be a serious pain but not impossible. I will make my way there soon! The best part? Each bracelet cost less than $5 to make. Can’t beat that!!
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This looks great! very modern and maybe easy, but i need the links for the tutorial. Could you publish those. Thanks a lot! i think my dd (13) will love doing these!..
Thanks!! If you scroll down to where it says “I did the top bracelet by simply following this tutorial. For the bottom two, I used this video.” Just click on the words “this.” They should be dashed underlined. By clicking on them it should bring you straight to the links. Let me know if you have any problems!
Thanks for your answer to my question! Merry Xmas to all around!
Isn’t it great! They make awesome gifts too
Oh ! I had to look closely to figure it out, but then I realized- it’s like making your own seed bead loom, for bigger beads !
I really like the more elegant look, and I bet it’s easier to thread than the itty bitty ones we used as Camp Fire girls,lol!
I really like these and want to try. I’ll go to my local craft store but no clue where to find cord. Or what size bead or thread to get? I feel like ill spend a bunch before I get the right tools. Suggestions before I shop?
Sure! I purchased everything at Michael’s and I brought the needle with me and just made sure that the beads I bought would allow the needle to fit through…the rest is totally up to you. If you buy a small bead you probably don’t want to have a super thick cord. Just look for the leather cording that they have that would look good with your beads. If you end up buying more than you need you can always make another bracelet out of it all!!
Good luck…if I can help anymore just let me know
Awesome idea and great tutorial:) TY:)))
wow. looks pretty sophisticated but very easy
Awesome bracelet!
The beads pop out of place and don’t stay between the cord
Also, my thread won’t stop getting in knots! Suggestion?
Make sure the cord is nice a thick compared to the beads and also another reader said that if you run a fabric softener sheet through the thread it keeps it from knotting!
I’ve never been into jewelry making but this really intrigues me and I think I will give it a try..thanks for sharing and all the good ideas!
these look absolutly awesome!!!!!! I luv those braclets but where do I buy the beads to make them??????
Any craft store! I got my beads at Michaels but Joann’s or AC Moore would have them as well. Not sure what craft stores you have but check them out!
I love making jewelry! Yours is fantastic! When using long lengths of thread, try pulling it through a fabric softener sheet; it helps to keep it from tangling.
I love it! What type of thread did you use exactly? Is that jute?
Thanks! It’s actually just regular old sewing thread!
wow…. keren, i like it
you make it look so simple!
I love it, looks very easy and its lovely
beautiful art!!!!
This work opened up new possibilities for artists.
These are awesome!
Simple but looks really cool, can’t wait to try and make one.
omgosh your website is so cute! Im a fellow blogger ( and love finding new awesome blogs! I love this bracelet too. Its on my to-do list. I think I am making them for christmas presents. Thanks for the pointers!
Thanks so much! I am thinking about doing another post of this project with more information so check back!
can’t believe it is so simple like this.
A great idea and looks beautiful
Wonderful inspriration
I can’t wait to try this out!
Very cute! Nice tutorial. For more great Chan Luu style tutorials check Pinterest, they have many.
Very cool – love these bracelets too!
Amazing!they are beautiful bracelets
what type of leather did you use? i went to the craft store so i could make one but couldnt figure out the best type of leather.
I used a round lace, 2mm x 22.5m…I hope that helps you!
Very creative love this post..
OMG! How simple you totally made the process in making these beautiful bracelets! I cannot wait to start making my first one! Thanks for posting!
great project!
Awesome Project!
Really cool idea, I will try it myself, thank you very much for sharing
I love this bracelet and thanks for sharing DIY tips
Hello! I found your site via stumbleupon- i blog about diy too at
maybe we could do a crafty collaboration one day?
Nice Idea. I liked it.