When looking to spruce up and old chair reupholstering is always the first thing I would do to give it new life and I am no stranger to reupholstering chair cushions! When my friend Cathy asked me if I would do her stools for her I was all over it. Of course before tackling the project she had to find the right fabric. Ah, the right fabric…I could spend forever trying to find the right fabric. There are so many wonderful choices of fabric these days but trying to narrow it down to the one you want can be daunting! We looked online and she checked out some fabric swatches but it wasn’t until she was getting her afternoon lunch at a gourmet shop that she came across some gorgeous napkins.
The great thing about using napkins on cushions is that 1. They are the perfect size. 2. They can be much cheaper than fabric and 3. You can find napkins almost anywhere!
Now that the hard part was out of the way it was time to make things new again! I followed the same steps from this chair that I did way back. The stools had been covered before so I just pulled out the old staples with a screw driver and revealed the original leather cover. The original cover was in great condition and the foam was great too so there was no need to replace it just a simple cover up. I laid the napkin print side down and centered the seat on top, right side down. Then I stapled in the middle on all four sides. Then just continued to go around making sure to keep it nice and tight.
I cut off any extra fabric and made sure not to cover the screw holes. Once they were all complete I just screwed them back onto the stools. A quick little face lift for these guys!
I bet you’ll be keeping an eye out for napkins now!
Have a great weekend!!