It’s Friday, woohoo! Break has officially begun and I’m headed to the mall to pick up some last minute gifts (wish me luck!). But before I head out I had to come and share the last of my holiday crafts! I like to think I saved the best for last. In case you missed the title it’s my winter wreath! Last year I made my Snowman wreath which is out again this year. My favorite thing about that wreath was that after the holidays were over I was still able to keep it up because he was more of a winter wreath than a Christmas one. I wanted to do the same thing this year.
My inspiration for this years wreath came from a post that Censtational Girl did. I had this idea to do felt snowflakes on my wreath and here is what I came up with!
Once I had all the snowflakes cut it was super easy to put together. The tough part was cutting out the snowflakes. Well, it wasn’t so much tough as it was tedious. I used a white wool felt fabric and a snowflake that I printed and put on card stock that I used as a tracer. I cut a few out every night here and there while catching up on some shows.
I used a very fine black marker and cut inside the marker so that you wouldn’t see the black on the snowflake. Once I had all of them, about 50, I took the felt and cut strips and wrapped it around the foam wreath form.
After that I just used small pins to hold the snowflakes onto the form. Then I just hot glued the bow on top and used floral wire to make a hook so I could hang it!
While the red bow is quite festive, once the holidays are over I’m planning on taking it out and replacing it with something a little less Christmas and more winter! Of course I’ll let you know what I end up doing!