When looking to spruce up and old chair reupholstering is always the first thing I would do to give it new life and I am no stranger to reupholstering chair cushions! When my friend Cathy asked me if I would do her stools for her I was all over it. Of course before tackling the…
Archives for July 2012
Canvas Art for a Cause
About a month ago I was at my local hardware store shopping for some paint samples. One of the great things about this place is that they have an on-site color specialist. She was helping me pick out the green that would eventually make it’s way onto the console. When I told her about my…
Styling Kelly
A lot goes into making your space you. Everyone has their own different design style whether it be traditional, eclectic, contemporary, the list goes on and on. I’m still trying to wrap my head around what my style is because I’m totally drawn to Hollywood Regency but my place is very modern traditional. Buying beautiful…
Happy Monday!! I come to you today to share a new little tab on the blog. It’s my featured tab! I’ve been so lucky to have other amazing bloggers feature some of my work on their pages and being the proud girl that I am I thought I would display them. You can find it…
DIY Drum Shade
So about 2 weeks ago I hit up my favorite thrift store in town to see if anything new came in and I eyed these two beautiful lamps hidden in a dark corner. They didn’t have a price on them so I was skeptical. Sometimes it’s hit or miss. I’ve found great pieces that are…
Toilet Paper Roll Wall Art
Well that’s a mouthful! So the time has come, it’s Pinterest Challenge time again! Every season Sherry from YHL and Katie from Bower Power throw a little link party to get people to stop pinning things and actually start making. This couldn’t have come at a better time because I have wanted to start this…
Red, White & Blue
Happy Birthday America!! I thought I would stop by today to share a fun 4th of July recipe. I have never tackled a red, white and blue treat before and after today I can say I still haven’t tackled a red, white and blue treat. Confused? Well, I went searching around for something fun and…
Instagram: Photo A Day
Happy July! I hope everyone had a great weekend and great plans for the fourth of July. Speaking of July I thought it would be really fun to challenge myself to a photo of the day. I am currently obsessed with Instagram and have been sharing some of my pictures on my Facebook page. When…