The time has finally come! I’m so excited to start working on this baby’s nursery I can’t contain it! Since we decided not to find out the sex the space is going to be very gender neutral. So many people have asked me, knowing I love interior design, how I would work on the nursery without knowing the sex. Honestly, my whole house is gender neutral! I love to keep a clean palette and then add pops of color here and there. With so many options out there it’s been hard to decide but I created a mood board to help keep me on track of pieces I want to add to the space. Once the baby arrives we can always add some feminine touches or masculine ones.
One of my favorite things about this house is that it is the house my husband grew up in. We have been working little by little to make it our own and this space is no different. The room we will be turning into the nursery used to be my husbands childhood room. Up until recently it still looked like his childhood room since all of his bedroom furniture was still in there! Sadly it was also the space where things went to die. Don’t know where to put that box? Stick it in the bedroom. Too lazy to put all that wrapping paper up into the attic? Stick it in the bedroom for now. Catch my drift?
Our plan is to empty this space out and start from scratch. Our first order of business was selling all that furniture and clearing out as much as we could! Try not to judge…just think of this room like Monica Gellar’s closet.We were lucky enough to sell all the furniture, which was in great condition to a family with 2 little girls who will hopefully enjoy it for years to come.
Next up was removing all the old molding and ripping up the carpet. We aren’t ready to take the carpet away yet since we will be doing more work like adding new molding and painting. Rather than having to cover the beautiful hardwood underneath we’re keeping the carpet there but we wanted to clear out all the nail strips.We are working step by step with this room so the next task is to move the A/C vent a bit father away from the wall so the crown molding will fit and then to center the light fixture. If you scroll up you may notice how incredibly off center it is! Once the holes have been patched it will be time to paint!
Choosing a paint color was interesting. I knew the exact color I wanted, Revere Pewter by Benjamin Moore, until I put a sample on the wall and was confused by how dark it was. Next to it I also tested Edgecomb Gray, our bedroom color, and then Balboa Mist. I posted this photo on Instagram and the right side seemed to be the popular vote.The problem? Those colors were not at all how they actually should look. To test it out I painted a strip of primer underneath the samples and once it dried I resampled the paint. Sure enough the colors were much more true to color. In the end, we chose Balboa Mist (left color but it actually looks like the color on the right) by Benjamin Moore. As much as I love Revere Pewter it was still reading a bit too dark for this space. The lesson learned here? Just because your walls look close to white you should still prime before testing out paints.
Can’t wait to move on to the next step! Now to order and paint all the molding!
“Monica Gellar’s closet” ?????? “Richard if you’re in there can you pass me my credit card” ??????????? lol!! I cant right now. I am so beyond excited for you. This is so much fun can’t wait to see what you come up with. I love how creative you are.
Haha I love that you love that as much as me!